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Organizational Change and Innovation

via ZOOM

Program Overview Today’s business environment is changing so rapidly that many organizations are having a difficult time keeping up. The velocity of change is rapid, that if you don’t accept the change and move with it, you’re going to be left behind. Successful organizations monitor their environments and take appropriate steps to maintain a compatible […]


Enhancing Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) and Adaptability Quotient (AQ) in the New Normal

via ZOOM

Program Overview The COVID-19 pandemic is the ultimate disruption of this generation. We are required to work from home, observe protocols, and pivot to the new normal. We need the utmost emotional intelligence to understand and appreciate our situation and enhance our adversity and agility quotient in response to paradoxes and volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and […]


Conflict Management and Dispute Resolution

via ZOOM

Program Overview  A labor dispute includes any controversy or matter concerning terms and conditions of employment or the association or representation of persons in negotiating, fixing, maintaining, changing or arranging the terms and conditions of employment. To resolve a labor dispute, parties often enter a conciliation/mediation. This is a method of resolving disputes and conflicts.  […]


Strategic Options in Rightsizing and Restructuring for Survival, Transformation, and Recovery: Must it Always be Termination of Employment?

via ZOOM

Program Overview  As a result of the rise of COVID – 19 cases, lot of government restrictions have been imposed. These restrictions also affect the economy of the country and  will likely result in another huge loss to companies. Both employers and workers are among the hardest hit. The big question now is how will […]


Labor Compliance and Inspection

via ZOOM

Program Overview Labor compliance is good business. Companies which are compliant with labor standards have potentials of expanding their business network, markets and customers with the rising interest on due diligence. Compliance protects the value chain against future labor disputes and cases. In order to achieve compliance, employers must have knowledge of the relevant laws, regulations and procedures. At the very least, they […]