The Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP) together with Federation of Free Workers (FFW) and with the support of Danish Trade Union Council for International Development Cooperation (LO-FTF Council) conducted two (2) batches of 2-day training of trainers (ToT) on principles-based, inclusive and business sustainable CSR last October 2-3 and October 4-5 at The Bayleaf Intramuros, Manila and Quest Hotel Clark Pampanga respectively.

Ms. Kamila Lembcke, consultant of LO/FTF Council, joined the TOT as a resource person and observer providing inputs for the CSR project.

The  workshop at Bayleaf was attended by 16 participants composed of management and workers representatives coming from the new pilot enterprises of the CSR Project. On the other hand, there were 34 participants from the locators of Clark Development Corporation.

The TOT intends to capacitate employers and workers’ representatives on how to conduct CSR workshop seminar at the enterprise level. The session discussed topics on: What is Principles – Based, Inclusive and Business Sustainable CSR? (The Triple Bottom-Line), Responsible Business Conduct and CSR, Principles-Based CSR: International Instruments (Salient Features), Compliance and Strategic Levels of CSR and The Business & Trade Union Cases for CSR.

At the end of the workshop, participants had a short planning session to define a list of CSR priority activities which will contribute to the national Project Implementation Plan (PIP) of the ECOP-FFW-LOFTF CSR Project.